It really has been a whirlwind year full of surprises, challenges (little or no sleep in the beginning) and happiness. We really are trying to enjoy every moment because we've been told, and now we can see, how fast time flies. "They grow up so fast..."
Kate is "talking" more and more each day and she's quite a little singer too! The dance moves are coming along nicely, so she should be "no kidding" walking any day now.
We had a small birthday party for Kate on the actual day, just the three of us. Then on Saturday, Kate's Mimi and Poppy came over to her house and brought her the coolest toy ever! It's a little water table village thing that has lots of bells and whistles - literally! She had so much fun with that, so we thought BIGGER is better and put in a pool. It's a real beaut!
That same Saturday, we had some friends over and Kate made another friend, Sam. He's a few months younger, so they chatted for a bit, had some laughs and swapped stories about their rookie parents. Then Kate showed Sam her water table and they splashed around.
Here are some pictures from the week.
"Let's get this
party started!"
Kate playing with
some new goodies...
The cake from
our friends at
Rhodes Bakery.
"I don't think I'll
like this..."
"Wait a minute...
What cake?"
Kate in her
birthday dress
from Mimi.
Kate welcomes
Sam to her "crib".
"OK, put this here
and that goes
over there..."
"Got it!"
"This is SO COOL!"
Now we're talking!