Kate has really become her own little person the past few moths, complete with personality traits we can see (all good, of course!) and some habits that are fun to watch. For example, she and mommy play a game in the mornings. When mommy goes in her room to get her out of the crib, Kate is already standing. She then dives down in the corner of the crib, behind the bumper (parents...you know what that is...) and hides, while laughing and giggling. Then, she springs up and starts laughing hysterically. If not stopped, this can go on for hours!
Kate is pretty stable on her feet. She now prefers walking to crawling (don't we all) and has a pretty good sense of balance. That is, until she's ready for bed at the end of the day. When she starts falling down too often, it's bedtime! The beauty part is, she NEVER fights it! We take her up, she leans for the crib, we lay her down, she kicks one leg up against the side of the crib, scratches her belly and points us to the door. WOW!
In mid June, we headed to Birmingham for Grandpa Don's birthday. We then spent July 4th at Aunt Mary's place in town, where Kate hung out with her cousins. That same weekend, Kate's Uncle Jeff stayed with us for a few days, which Kate loved. This past weekend, we went back to Birmingham to celebrate several birthdays - Cousin Gracie, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Patti and Grandma Jane (yes, July is a busy month...) Kate enjoyed seeing everyone, and showing off her walking skills.
In about a month, she starts a "pre-school" type thing where for three hours, one day a week, she goes to a classroom with five other kids her age and they have activities and play. We're looking forward to it because she really shines when she's around other people, so we think she'll love it.
OK...enough reading! Here are some pics from the past few months:
"OK Grandmom,
get ready..."
Kate helping out.
Stoli and Kate
share a joke.
"One question..."
"Got Milk?"
"My girl likes to...
party all the time,