Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, it's summer time and boy does it feel like it! To start off the season, Kate celebrated her second birthday with a small party at her place. We actually had it a few days early on Memorial Day, so friends and family could take advantage of the day off to attend. Then on her actual birthday, mommy and daddy took the day off for a "Day O' Fun" with Kate. We went to an animal park where guests enter a large fenced property and walk among the various animals. There were deer, pigs, goats, peacocks and much more to look at and touch. We ALL had a blast!

It's hard to believe Kate's already two years old! She's a walkin' and a talkin', singin' and a dancin' and of course letting us know when she has something on her mind. We've been going to our neighborhood pool on weekends, which she loves. She and mommy have also been taking swim lessons together (they're for Kate). She's very vocal to her teacher about what she will and won't do, which everyone finds amusing. She's really coming into her own, which is a joy to see. All in all, she's a fine little lady!

So, that's what's new. Here are some recent pics.


Fun outside with the
water table and...



"It's your birthday, it's your birthday..."

Opening a few goodies...

...and putting them together.


Oh boy, SAND!




We got to meet and feed and meet and feed
(...and feed, and feed...) all kinds
of animals, up close and personal. SO COOL!

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