Monday, October 8, 2007


It's been a while since we've updated Kate's page because our camera went kaput a while back and we've been waiting on it to be fixed. Well, the good folks at Canon couldn't fix our old one, so they sent us a new model refurbished one. So, the sparkle in Kate's eyes will look just a little bit clearer!

Kate just turned four months old and she's doing great! She's actually sleeping through the night several nights a week (thank the maker!) and is very responsive to all going on around her. She's in the 98.5 percentile for height and right around average for weight. So her upcoming basketball or volleyball career seems well intact!

We are all getting ready for her baptism this weekend. We've been practicing dumping water on her head during bath time and she's loving it! We are surprised and pleased by all those who have indicated they are coming to share in that special day. It's gonna' a fun time.

Here are a few new pics of Kate showing off her progress. More updates coming real soon...

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